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Editorial July 2021

Editorial July 2021

Dear Readers,

I don’t know exactly how to elucidate the thought behind this month’s editorial letter. J.R.R. Tolkien puts it best, and it’s to him that this month’s quote is attributed. This month, my message is just a reminder to look out for the little things. There are so many beautiful things in our daily lives. Sometimes it gets too easy to get distracted by the hustle-bustle or by daily activities or by our own thoughts, and we miss out on the things that are good and bright and uplifting, that exist all around us. Maybe try to go outside, if you can and if the weather permits, because nature can be a mood booster. Let yourself appreciate the magnitude of all the life that surrounds you. Observe how intricate and amazing it is that the plants outside live and grow the way they do, how people around you fight all sorts of adversity and stay strong. Look up, for those days when there are watercolors in the sky and the clouds look painted on. And with that inspire yourself to tackle another month ahead with some panache! 🙂

Enjoy this edition, readers!

With love,

Editor Jaanu


P.S. A very classic book recommendation: try The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien!


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