Now Reading
Editorial Jul 2020

Editorial Jul 2020

Dear Readers,

We got curbside pickup for a whole set of books from the library and I am so happy. Small victories like that remind me that we can do this. Corona who, am I right? This July, I’m reminded of the courage of our founding fathers two and a half centuries ago. Imagine starting a country and making rules that are supposed to last forever, no room for indecision. What would they think if they saw the U.S. now? I hope they’d be proud of what their country has become and hopeful for the future. Speaking of the future, we are going back to school pretty soon! Another two months, and I am going to see my beloved school again! I’m feeling excited and wary and cautious. Excitement is obvious; I’m going to school in person! Wariness – because I know from experience that the beginning of school excitement wears off in an hour after we pull into the school parking lot.  Okay, I’m kidding about that, but only a bit 🙂 But the caution is not as easy to explain. Are things going to pick up where they left off in September? I don’t think many of the questions have cut and dry answers yet, so in the meantime, don’t fret. Dream, play, and work; now who was it who said that?


Editor Jaanu

🇺🇸 🌏

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