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Editorial January 2023

Editorial January 2023

Dear Readers,

To me, opportunities are beginnings, like the feeling when you start a new book and realize that it is awesome… and there’s so much left to enjoy. It’s the feeling at the beginning of senior year knowing there’s a whole year to appreciate, the feeling of slicing a pizza that’s fresh out of the oven and putting it on a plate when you’re so hungry and ready for Good Food Syndrome – when good food makes you laugh at everything or bounce your leg rapidly. Opportunity appears often in the most unexpected quarters. Even in my limited experience, there are myriad instances where a surprising possibility leads to a special reward. For instance, when Navin and I began neuroscience club remotely, during the pandemic, it was honestly a bit painful. Fascinating, but hard to have to limit our meetings to sharing PowerPoints with cool brain facts. It took time, creativity, and especially our wonderful, encouraging mentor Mr. Brown, to really bring the club to life. Our once enjoyable yet prim meetings have become some of the most unruly but fantastic learning experiences I’ve ever had. This year, I’m thrilled to welcome the opportunity to put in work for the rewards we’ll find in the process.


Editor Jaanu 🐳

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