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Editorial January 2022

Editorial January 2022

Dear Readers,

The New Year always feels unfamiliar and foreboding until it happens. The concept of “2022” feels unreal until we get there. The comfort of the usual has a universal appeal. We develop the habit of writing 2021 on our papers and typing “/21” as part of the date and shaking that inclination off is difficult even months after the new year! Neuroscientists at MIT, and others, have found that uncertainty is adversely viewed by the brain. Our brains stop us from using information that we are unsure of; this capability leaves us more likely to make deliberate decisions. I can see why biologically this capability makes us humans more likely to survive – but it also poses a challenge more relevant to the contemporary human experience. Only if we try can we realize whether the change is a good one or a bad one. Oftentimes it takes change and reflection. I’ve been wary of change often; sometimes, I perceive situations as negative because I am unused to them. However, I tend to appreciate changes “in the long run” – after the initial tough transition. This new year, I’m resolving to embrace the unexpected changes – to give them a chance! After all, “change is inevitable, but growth is optional.” Stay well, dear readers!

All the best,

Editor Jaanu ❄️

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