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Editorial February 2022

Editorial February 2022

Dear Readers,

Every time I look outside, I find it hard to believe that there might have been a time when the tall, tall aspens and giant oaks were just seeds. Trees look solid and immoveable. As this month’s quote reminds us, though, they once began as seeds. Unlike the mythical being Gadothgaja, who in Hindu legend was said to have sprung from a newborn to a fully grown man immediately after birth, most things in our world take a long time to grow and prosper. Whether it is a tree, or a good personality trait that we should cultivate, or a classic recipe for chocolate cake, everything takes time to be perfected. That is an encouraging thought, but also what makes achievement so difficult. I remember a moral fable about a traveler who was trying to dig a well. He dug for weeks and finally, feeling hopeless and exhausted, he gave up. Another traveler passed by the spot months later. He saw a half-finished well, found a shovel, and scooped out a few pounds of dirt. A fresh, bubbly spring poured out. The first traveler hadn’t realized how close he was to success when he failed. But each crunch of his shovel meeting dirt brought him closer to success. The qualities on my mind this month, then, are patience and persistence.


Editor Jaanu 🌱

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