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Editorial Feb 2021

Editorial Feb 2021

Dear Readers,

Everyone has poignant realizations from time to time. You know what I mean – those ordinary moments in everyday life that make you scream “Eureka” inside your own head. I had one of these moments when I realized how very interesting it is that everyone perceives things differently. Think of a song you dislike. You hate the strains of twangy guitar and the lyrics make no sense.  Every time it plays on the radio in the car, you cringe and turn the radio off. But someone else clearly loves this song, or it wouldn’t be playing on the radio. Maybe you’re having the best day of your whole life, but someone else just had a flat tire and they’re already late for work and have gum in their hair. We all see things differently, but it’s very easy to forget that. We all have our own fears, worries, hopes, and preferences, but all too often, we try to foist our own outlook on others and expect them to understand. Maybe the reason for the conflict that seems to pervade every aspect of society and the media is because we don’t really practice tolerance enough. We need to strive to be kind and never judge. But stay positive! “Keep your head held high and your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you.”

With love,

Editor Jaanu


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