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Editorial December 2022

Editorial December 2022

Dear Readers,

To some, the beginning of December is a time for Christmas music. While the songs of Christmas do bring me nostalgia and jollity, it is the stories of Christmas that touch me most. If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve read a story by Dr. Seuss. Whether it is The Lorax, The Great Butter Battle, or How the Grinch Stole Christmas, there is something magical and captivating about Dr. Seuss’ stories. It might be the funny drawings, or the rhyming, poetic text, but I think it is the quiet, grounding simplicity. These stories for children are so sweet and simple that they remain with us. Dr. Seuss’ work has touched hearts around the world because of the lessons and morals imparted so gracefully, through charming, elfin sketches and drawings that make me smile every time. These stories for children have touched many grown-ups. I was recently reminded of a Bible verse at our school Christmas Mass. I’d like to share it because I think it holds true for much more than   faith; it reads, “And a little child shall lead them.” It is the simple truths, the childish faith, Dr. Seussian lessons that are most abiding. Wishing you and yours a holiday season and a new year full of peace and joy!


Editor Jaanu 🌱

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