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Editorial Dec 2020

Editorial Dec 2020

Dear Readers,

It’s funny how the moment Thanksgiving wraps up, everyone’s minds turn to Christmas. In a year where there is so much change and confusion, I think it is especially valuable to turn to the meaning of Christmas again; not with a capitalist mindset, but with a purely human mindset. What is the meaning of Christmas to you? Perhaps you have religious associations or feel that the deeper meaning is peace and goodwill for all. In a society where differences abound, let us use Christmas as an opportunity to come together again and to appreciate those who have helped us through this difficult year. That brings us to another topic: how on earth does one go about choosing the best gifts to give? Clearly, we need some help; an economist named  Joel Waldfogel recently coined the term “deadweight loss of Christmas” – a phenomena of extreme economic waste that occurs each Christmas. It’s easy to be thrifty when you shop for yourself, but even easier to be extravagant and spend unnecessarily when you’re shopping for someone else. Well, I hope that “yule” enjoy this edition of Spirit, and we wish you a very merry Christmas and peaceful holidays

With love,

Editor Jaanu


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