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Editorial August 2022

Editorial August 2022

Dear Readers,

As my summer draws to a close and the school years looms up, I must confess that I am not upset that everything is starting up. As my friends fret over the end of careless summer days, I look forward to everything there is to learn this year. I feel pretty silly about this. I remember how much I would dread early mornings as a little kid. But I’ve always loved the social, learning environment of school and it is very bittersweet that all of that has come to an end now as the last summer of my high school years has closed already. Is this really the last year I’ll wear my khakis, polos, and boat shoes to school every day? Is this the last year I’ll be with this group of classmates in this complex of buildings in the midst of Lawrence city that is so  beloved to me? I really love school. I’ve been blessed with much good and with some not so great experiences over the past 14 years of education I’ve undergone. It has all changed me, but I can look back and feel thankful. That’s not to say that I don’t wish I’d done this differently. I wish I did some things differently. But as the summer ends, I’m not afraid, and am feeling rather hopeful for the future. May God bless and keep us all – and may this academic and fiscal year bring much good.


Editor Jaanu 🌱

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