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Editorial August 2021

Editorial August 2021

Dear Readers,

Those who are regular readers will know of my fondness for Richmal Crompton’s William stories. There is a particular story that comes to mind as I think of this month’s editorial message. William’s elder brother Robert has discovered a self-empowerment book and repeats to himself a phrase that sounds something like “invincible power surges within me.” He’s shocked at the immediate results of his positive thinking – people are kinder, more respectful, more considerate! Little does poor Robert know that those results are probably due to his younger brother’s rumor-mongering; William has convinced the town that Robert is heir to a large legacy. But Robert was right in a way. Positive thinking is good for the body and the mind. Positive self-talk can quite literally make your heart happy – one Johns Hopkins study shows that positive thinkers with at risk for heart disease were 1/3 less likely to get a heart attack than those who are more negative. Being mindful or heartful can be so difficult because of the many other thoughts that are floating around our heads. It helps to know that hope is powerful. Worry and anxiety are natural feelings too – but try to make time for yourself to be hopeful and positive. Meditate if you can! Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing or feeling – you are worthy and awesome. Let’s do this! 😊

With love,

Editor Jaanu 🌞

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