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Editorial – Aug 2020

Editorial – Aug 2020

Dear Readers,

Can someone give me a satisfactory answer to why the dog days of August are a thing? Why do they call it dog days? Does it have to do with every dog having his day, or is it an ecological thing? Or an idiom? I could google it, but I haven’t, so if you know what the “dog days of August” mean, tell me 🙂 On another note, happy August! Now that the academic year is just around the corner, I think it’s time to make the annual September bucket list!! I find that a bucket list annually helps me sort of visualize my yearly goals better! What’s on your September bucket list? I’m working more on time management this year, because I can attest to the fact that working has the ability to warp time. I’ll sit down in the morning at the computer to work or study, or whatever; I like to work with music, so I’ll put on the playlist and begin – and look up to check the time a few minutes later. Only time’s passed like lightning, and it is now 3 P.M.! I think we have to be conscious not to work too much as well – don’t overwork, and it’s important to take time to care for ourselves, especially when we feel busy and tired. It’s always worth it to take a moment to look away from the screens and relax.


Editor Jaanu

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