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Editorial April 2023

Editorial April 2023

Dear Readers,

I can’t imagine what life would be like without Disney. Disney – the first organized theme park, the beginning of widely popular means of finding magic in everyday life, movies, stories, Let It Go, costumes, an escape from ordinary life. Fairy tales came to life with Disney, and children began dreaming of adventures in outer space because of Disney.

The parks at Walt Disney World are very much worth a visit. The technology is astonishing – one ride, which imitated soaring with the Avatars, was so magnificent that we waited in line twice for it.

How inspiring is it when a person sets a goal, pursues it, and achieves it?

Mr. Walt Disney dreamed of a park where he could enjoy time with his daughters together. At that time, parents could only watch as onlookers at entertainments for children. When his artwork of a simple mouse and wacky rabbit could charm audiences, he knew that creating a world to be enjoyed would enchant them. It was a risk, but Disney calculated carefully before he took it. He knew it took a great deal of work to accomplish, but he was willing to put in the work to accomplish it. He shaped all of Disney’s enterprises to be constantly changing, adapting to a dynamic global landscape. Disney was, above all, very very persistent.


Editor Jaanu 💟

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