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Will You Fall 🍁 For This Squash?

Will You Fall 🍁 For This Squash?

Will You Fall 🍁 For This Squash?


Earlier this month I was tricked by my mother. I ate up a whole plate of what I believed to be baked potato – a baked vegetable that appeals to anyone. For me, a self-proclaimed “I-don’t-like-squash”-er, it was a jarring shock to find that the baked vegetable Ma had prepared was in fact not potato – it was squash. Once I got over the initial shock of the new food, I was impressed – a healthier alternative option that is vegan and tastes just like baked potato!

First, dice the squash – prepare cubes that are mostly even-sized. Prepare a mixture of the oil and spices – salt, black pepper, chili powder, coriander powder and, if you wish, ginger powder. The consistency should be sticky. Now, coat the squash thoroughly in this mixture. Once the squash is covered, place on a baking sheet on a pan and bake for about 20 minutes at 350˚F, or until squash achieves desired texture 🙂

Enjoy the healthiness!

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