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Vegan Jello

Vegan Jello

Vegan Jello

By Jaanu, recipe c/o Kam

Agar is a jellifying substance derived from red algae seaweed. Highly nutritious and found as flakes or powders, it is used to thicken soups, desserts and sauces. Agar is vegan, rich in minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6), and many antioxidants. It promotes digestive health and helps remedy mood swings, anxiety and depression, as it contains galactose referred to as brain sugar 🙂

Begin by choosing a fruit juice for the base of the jello. Options include apple, grape, lychee, orange, cranberry, limeade – any 100% fruit juice!

Mix the juice, water, and sweetener in a pot. Brown sugar and agave nectar are examples of sweeteners. Add agar powder and mix thoroughly. Heat until mix boils. Allow it to simmer and add natural food coloring if needed. pour in bowls and refrigerate for an hour or two, or until jello is fully chilled to desired consistency. Enjoy! (The face does not appear on the jello; that is something I take on myself to add.)

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