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Start the Year Off Sweet: Homemade Doughnuts

Start the Year Off Sweet: Homemade Doughnuts

Start the Year Off Sweet: Homemade Doughnuts

Recipe compiled by Jaanu

I have a sweet tooth. It’s a struggle for me to leave chocolate uneaten, ice cream unfinished, and milkshakes un-drunk. Take it from a pro dessert-eater: these doughnuts are seriously good. Plus they’re only half a cup of milk away from being vegan!!

Start by mixing the dry ingredients (salt, flour, yeast, and sugar) in a bowl. The dry ingredients should be evenly distributed. Now, blend in the butter and milk (or plant milk, for a vegan option). Mix well; you should aim for a sticky consistency. Knead a little bit (5 minutes maximum). Let the dough prove (dough should double in size). Knead it again, until the dough is smooth. You may need to grease your hands to do this. Spread the dough out in a sheet, and cut the dough into doughnut shapes by cutting a large circle and a smaller circle within it. Remove the small circles – you can fry these separately to make doughnut holes. Fry the doughnuts in oil until both sides of the doughnuts are golden-brown. Drain the oil from the doughnuts with a paper towel. Once doughnuts are cool, dip in melted chocolate. Enjoy!! 🍩

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