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New Year, New Stuffed Pepper

New Year, New Stuffed Pepper

New Year, New Stuffed Pepper Celebrate with some mild spice – by Jaanu

“Stuff and nonsense!” you say, “I’ve never liked stuffed pepper!” Well, wait until you see this recipe. These stuffed peppers are perfect for last minute appetizers. Start by cutting off the tops of the bell peppers and scooping out  the seeds. Make a “sauce” with chili powder, curry powder, cumin, coriander, a pinch of salt, and olive oil – you need to achieve a fluid consistency. Roll the bell peppers generously in this “sauce.” Slice potatoes into quarters and boil until soft. Pour a little olive oil into a pan, and add green chili peppers and ginger pieces to it. Stir and cook carrots and peas in this mixture. Once cooked, add the boiled and mashed potatoes, curry powder, basil/oregano/rosemary, and any other spices or herbs that you choose. Mix well. Fill bell peppers with stuffing, and top with cheese. Bake at 350˚F for 30 to 40 minutes.

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