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La Pizza – The Lunch I Look Forward to Most

La Pizza – The Lunch I Look Forward to Most

Whether I am at school in person, or on Zoom, one thing stays the same: by the time third period is over, I am hungry. Hey hey, you say, that’s barely three hours. Yes, but it’s three hours of school, and my brain is working overtime. The best feeling of Zoom school is taking off your earbuds for lunch break, and smelling freshly baked pizza in the air. Wave goodbye to your weekday lunch worries with this no-fuss recipe!

Warning: consume in moderation! 🙂

Start by proving the yeast. Add the flour, salt, sugar, and olive oil to the yeast and mix well. Knead the dough for 7 to 10 minutes. The dough should be sticky to the touch but not too wet. Add a little bit of oil and let the dough rise in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. The dough should just about double in size – this should take about 2 hours. Meanwhile, you can get to work on your sauce. Finely chop the celery, carrots, and parsley, and cook on medium heat in a little olive oil in a pan. Add the tomatoes (optional: you can also add tomato paste) and water, along with salt, pepper, and any chosen spices, and let simmer. When it thickens, it is ready.

Assemble the pizza – roll out the dough as thin as you like, and spread sauce and your chosen veggie toppings. For a little more texture, add a little cornmeal to the pan before you bake. Bake for about 10 to 15 minutes at 245˚C, until dough is golden-brown. Inspired by and tested at in the Spirit kitchen!

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