Give These Pretzels a Tie

Give These Pretzels a Tie – By Jaanu
Using your brain during the academic/fiscal year or during the chilly fall weather is draining. That’s precisely why this is the perfect season for a warm, fall-favorite snack: soft pretzels!
Ingredients: 1.5 cups water, 2 tsp active dry yeast, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tbsp butter, 3.75 cups flour, coarse salt, jalapeno peppers
Begin by preparing the dough. Mix yeast into water and slowly incorporate salt, sugar, butter, and then flour. Make sure that the dough is not too wet. It shouldn’t stick wetly to your finger if you poke it. Knead for about 2 minutes.
It is now time for the dough to rest – for about 10 minutes. We dough-n’t want it to get tired! Preheat oven. While preheating, separate the dough into pieces the size of desired pretzel. Roll the cut pieces into a long strip, and tie neatly in the pretzel knot shape. Press the ends of the pretzel strip into the dough below to preserve the shape. Brush each pretzel dough knot with butter and press on coarse salt and jalapeno pieces. Bake for 10 minutes, until golden. Enjoy!