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When is ice thick enough to skate and walk on? Is it ever safe to skate through snow?

When is ice thick enough to skate and walk on? Is it ever safe to skate through snow?

Dear Clever Cali,

When is ice thick enough to skate and walk on? Is it ever safe to skate through snow?


Pond-Neighbor Pam

Hi there, Neighbor Pam!

Nature is unpredictable. Especially when it comes to something like ice, which can change depending on factors like the temperature outside and temperatures across a body of water, it’s important to err on the side of caution! Generally, the rule of thumb is that 4 inches of ice is safe to skate on. It is totally possible to skate through snow, but this might be less easy and comfortable than skating on smooth ice. Too much snow might hide bumps, which can trip you up! Happy skating!

~ Clever Cali

Dear Clever Cali,

What is something to be hopeful about, regarding politics?


Nervous New Voter

Dear New Voter,

A change in power always brings with it some measure of uncertainty. Inaugurations aren’t a time to crow about a victory or bemoan a defeat. It’s a new day for the country. It’s an opportunity for a new administration to address problems and try to make life as good as it can be. All politicians need is a humble approach and sincere hearts. And if we’ve got these things, the sky’s the limit!

~ Clever Cali

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