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What happens when we let go of a helium balloon? … and more

What happens when we let go of a helium balloon? … and more

Dear Clever Cali,

What happens when we let go of a helium balloon?

~ Airhead Allan

Dear Allan,

Great question! Helium balloons rise due to air density, because helium is a gas lighter than air. Assuming your balloon is latex, here’s what would happen. The latex of the balloon would expand, at first, and the helium inside will increase in volume. This will make it more buoyant and cause it to keep rising. The more the latex expands, the higher it will rise…until it POPS! According to, research from the Federal Department of Aviation has shown that latex balloons can rise from 5.7 to 6.6 miles before they pop. Balloons do not rise indefinitely – they do pop. When the pieces of latex and string land back on Earth, they can pose a serious threat to animals that may mistake this debris for food. Perhaps one can consider flying a kite instead!

Clever Cali

Dear Clever Cali,


~ I’ve-always-wanted-a-dog Ian

Dear Ian,

If you have the time, the resources, and you’ve done your research, I say GO FOR IT.  Dogs reduce stress and are good for the heart 🙂 


Clever Cali

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