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What are time zones and why do we have them ? … & more

What are time zones and why do we have them ? … & more

Dear Clever Cali,

Time zones confuse me! Why do we even have time zones? I don’t understand the ending of Around the World in 80 Days for that reason. Can you “gain time” by flying toward the sun? Please help!


Untimely Ursula

Dear Ursula,

Looks like it’s time for some clarification! 🙂 Time zones exist because the sun seems to rise and set at different times for people in different places around the world! This in turn is because the Earth rotates on an axis as it revolves around the world. You “gain” time as you fly east because the sun appears to be rising higher in the sky. You “lose” time when you fly west because the sun looks lower in the sky, according to NASA. Jules Verne, the author of Around the World in 80 Days applied this principle to his magnificent science-fiction plot.

Clever Cali 😀


Dear Clever Cali,

Why is the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York?


Baseball-Fan Bijay

Well, Bijay, there was a myth that Abner Doubleday had invented baseball in Cooperstown. Mr. Stephen Clark (a notable philanthropist) established the Hall of Fame to preserve memories of America’s Pastime.

The first induction took place in 1939 – and the rest is history.

Clever Cali 🙂

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