Is there any relation between plasticity and audition?

Dear Clever Cali,
Is there any relation between plasticity and audition? I’ve heard there are new advances and studies that highlight this connection. What is it, if there is one at all?
Nervous System
Dear Nervous System,
Great question! First of all- what is plasticity? Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to shift and react to distress – essentially, its ability to “form new synaptic connections.” These connections are incredibly important. The networks in the brain are relevant for several reasons- from forming memories to movement. Plasticity is critical for audition (hearing). It’s well-known now that plasticity shapes the brain’s ability to encode sound and perceive sound. New inputs affect existing networks. There is a host of research on this topic!
According to a 2023 University of South Florida study, in response to auditory loss, the auditory system adapts. Researchers called this adaptation homeostatic plasticity. To simulate loss, participants in the study wore earplugs – and, as a result, induced “homeostatic plasticity” in their auditory cortices. It’s a fascinating question and it’s continuing to be explored. Scientists believe that the opportunity to research plasticity could displace immobilizing pharmaceuticals. Formerly, scientists believed that the mature brain is not plastic. The discovery that it is can have incredible implications on the future of health.
Clever Cali