How far does the universe go & more…

Dear Clever Cali,
What do you think about wearing masks during the COVID pandemic? We hear so many mixed messages. My family always wears one whenever we are around people and not able to social distance.
Mixed-Message Mark
Dear Mark,
The CDC recommends wearing face masks because masks will slow the spread of Covid-19. Children under the age of 2 should not wear masks. The general public (us) should wear masks because Covid-19 can be asymptomatic! The cloth barrier is important to continue using, especially as stores begin to open again, and social distancing measures are harder to maintain. Great question!
Clever Cali
Dear Clever Cali,
How far does the universe go? Sincerely,
Thoughtful Terry
Dear Terry,
Space is a very complex thing to question. Forbes has a wonderful article on the edge of universe that you should read (“How Far Is It To The Edge of The Universe?” by Ethan Siegel) but I guess one answer is 4.6 billion light years in all directions 🙂
Clever Cali