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How does the temperature in a sink work ? & more …

How does the temperature in a sink work ? & more …

Dear Cali,

How does the temperature in a sink work? How does the water heat up quickly, and cool down quickly? Is there a magic elf who sits in the pipe and changes the temperature?

From Pondering Princi

Dear Princi,

Unfortunately, most faucets are not temperature-regulated by a magic elf, but hey, you never know. Most faucets are supplied by two water lines – one hot, and one cold. If both handles are moved, water from both lines mix (amounts depend on the handle movement).

Sincerely, Clever Cali

Dear Cali,

I want to get a real Christmas tree. How can I care for it best?

From Energetic Christmas Elf

Dear Energetic Christmas Elf,

Please send me a good present – only joking! Getting a real Christmas tree is a great experience – first of all, choose a healthy, green tree with pliable needles that don’t fall off when you touch them. It will get cut and wrapped in twine at the farm, but when you arrive home, cut another inch off the trunk at the base, so that the tree can absorb water better! Christmas trees drink A LOT of water, so be sure to water your tree well! Some people incorporate additives with water, but regular, plentiful water should be enough. Keep a humidifier in the room with the tree, and take care not to bring it too close to heat!

Sincerely, Clever Cali

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