Are naphthalene balls good or safe to use?… and more

Dear Clever Cali,
It’s summertime, and apparently the best time to work in the garden, but the animals and insects haven’t gotten the message! Are naphthalene balls good or safe to use? What natural stuff can we use to keep bugs away? Are there any natural and ecosystem friendly ways we can keep away rabbits and squirrels that eat too much of the garden?
Pest-Stressed Parris
Dear Parris,
I’m glad you are getting a chance to do some gardening! Good luck for a bountiful crop 🙂 Naphthalene balls, also called moth balls are highly toxic to insects. However, a recent UConn study has shown that naphthalene balls are extremely dangerous to humans as well. Naphthalene has been discovered to be carcinogenic to children particularly and to animals in the vicinity of use. It causes red blood cells to actually break apart (this condition is called hemolytic anemia). A weaker but still potent toxin is paradichlorobenzene. A safer alternative is using cedar chips, which are natural insect repellents. Planting marigolds and sprinkling cinnamon around can also keep bugs away. As for squirrels and rabbit, there are quite a few green methods to defend your yard and garden! Squirrels are not fond of peppers, so try planting these around the garden. Also, apple cider vinegar sprays have been very effective in warding off the squirrels! Rabbits also dislike peppers, and Irish soap shavings have been said to discourage pesky rabbits, while still encouraging the rabbit biodiversity. Hope this helps, and thanks for writing!
Clever Cali