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Are canned foods good for you ? … & more

Are canned foods good for you ? … & more

Dear Clever Cali,

I’ve been buying a lot of canned vegetables lately, and this has led me to wonder – are canned foods good for you? Are there any health risks associated with eating canned veggies?


Veggie Shopper

Dear Veggie Shopper,

Canning is a way to preserve perishable food for more time. Canned food is generally safe to eat from 1-5 years, or longer. This might be a strike against canned food – it’s not exactly natural. But the truth is that canned food often preserves most of the nutrients within vegetables. Some vitamins might be lost in the canning process – namely water-soluble vitamins such as C and B. One fact in favor of canning is that canned veggies often have higher levels of antioxidants than fresh veggies. This is because the canning process involves heating, and some vegetables, such as tomatoes, “release more antioxidants when heated.”

Canned foods are often more affordable, and more practical than fresh foods in many circumstances.

However, as with any “un-natural” food source, there are a few problems with unfriendly chemicals found in canned foods. For example, BPA is found in cans and in can packaging.

Be careful with canned foods!! They can be a good option when fresh food options are not available. But always, fresh, organically grown produce is healthiest.

Happy Shopping! ~ Clever Cali 🙂

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