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Jane and the Fire – Part XIV

Jane and the Fire – Part XIV

In 1958, young Jane has just moved to the city of Chicago, Illinois with her parents and cousins Billy. Jane and her friends have followed two of the Three Thugs as they approach the strange building by the park. They’ve all reached the porch, but perhaps that isn’t a good thing…

Jane held her breath. Mr. Peele had been strolling around the porch as Mr. Bennet struggled with the lock. If he had moved any closer to the guard-rail on the right side of the porch, Jane and both Landry twins would be in full view.

Mr. Peele raised a foot to move forward. Jane closed her eyes and steeled herself for the inevitable. Any moment now, Messrs. Peele and Bennet would notice them (the kids) – and this meant that the latter group would have to flee or be caught.

But nothing happened. Paige nudged her after a moment, and Jane opened her eyes to see Mr. Peele staring open-mouthed, with his foot still in the air, at the busy road. “Look, Mr. Bennet! The big department store has a sale on suspenders!”

Jane knew that they had moments before he turned around and saw them. She decided that flight was the safest option and jabbed Paige’s shoulder. “Run!” she hissed.

Mr. Bennet had turned toward the suspender notice in the road, but he caught sight of the fleeing forms from the corner of his eye.

“Mr. Peele!” he shouted, gesturing furiously, “There are a pack of kids running away there!”

Jane and the twins hurtled down the alley between the shady building and the bookstore next door. Fortunately, it adjoined another main street and they sprinted down the busy sidewalk, dodging fruit stands and flower sellers.

Mr. Bennet and Mr. Peele gave furious chase. The kids gained a moment when Mr. Bennet knocked over a newspaper stand and a crowd of angry paperboys surround the Thugs, shouting and pushing. Unfortunately, Mr. Peele quickly and sulkily dispersed the crowd by handing around a few dollars and the chase resumed. Jane realized then that they were going in the wrong direction. She’d meant to go home but they were heading away. Then again, she mused, it might be better if they avoided leading the Thugs directly to their headquarters. She was tangled up in her own thoughts and noticed too late that they had turned onto a dead end alley. There was a high fence at one end. “Get back out!” shouted Paige.

But it was too late. The heavy footfalls of the Thugs already were growing louder.

“How are they here already?” hissed Don. “We had such a lead!”

“Be quiet, Don!” snapped Paige, “We don’t have time! What do we do?”

“Quick!” cried Jane, “I’ll give you both a boost and you can climb the fence!”

“We’ll give you a boost!” said Paige. “They don’t know us, but Mr. Bennet will recognize you!”

Jane clambered over the fence. Don gave Paige a boost next. But before he could climb over himself, the Thugs screeched to a halt in front of the alley. The girls looked at each other, eyes were wide with fear.

Did the Three Thugs catch Don? Stay tuned to find out next month!

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