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Plantain? More Like Plant-aid!

Plantain? More Like Plant-aid!

Plantain? More Like Plant-aid!   By Jaanu

Plantains are the more obscure cousin of banana. However, their relative un-renown in the West is unheard of in the East; plantains are a highly favored nutrient option, especially in tropical areas. Think banana – but also think potato! Why should you be interested? Well…

  • Plantains are very starchy – naturally, they are a great source of carbohydrates.
  • More than just carbs though – plantains are good sources of magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B-6, and potassium
  • Helps to support the gut and healthy bowel – plantains contain an average of 3 grams of fiber per cup
  • Plantains have been shown to boost immunity, most likely because of the quantity of vitamin C that they contain.
  • Potassium = heart health. Enough said. Also, though, according to Healthline, fiber lowers cholesterol levels. This helps your heart function as well as it can.
  • Back to point 1 – the fact that plantains contain lots of carbs means that they make you feel full quickly and feel full longer. This makes plantains a great choice for many different diets and for anyone looking to manage weight.

Plantains do need to be cooked to be eaten. This might present an opportunity for you to learn some new recipes! Plantains can be fried, stewed, or even turned into pancakes and arepas. 🌿🍌

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