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Jane and the Fire – Part X

Jane and the Fire – Part X

In 1958, young Jane has just moved to the city of Chicago, Illinois with her parents and cousins Billy. Jane and her new friends, Paige and Don Landry, manage to climb inside the ceiling vents of The Hungry Eagle coffeeshop (which the Landrys happen to own). Jane’s plan is to spy on the mysterious Mr. Bennet and his confounding colleagues.

“Shhhh!” whispers Paige, “They’re all sitting down!”

The Three Thugs have dropped into seats at a table in a quiet corner. The three children scoot slowly over to the corner in the ceiling vents. “Well,” says Mr. Bennet to Mr. McCawley, “I hear you brought the plans?”

Jim McCawley looks very pleased with himself. “I brought something better.”

Mr. Peele looks apprehensive, but Mr. Bennet is evidently not one to offer the benefit of doubt. He glares at Mr. McCawley. “Out with it, and I hope for your sake this isn’t a waste of my time.”

Mr. McCawley whips a manila file folder from somewhere in his suit.

“What in the world? Where did that man…” Don begins, but Paige and Jane give him a Bennet glare and he subsides.

Mr. McCawley opens the folder and pulls out a newspaper. Mr. Bennet begins to protest, but Mr. McCawley opens the newspaper to reveal a collage of photos, typewritten pages, and hand-drawn diagrams pasted on the paper’s inside pages. Mr. Bennet whistles appreciatively.

The three children in the spacey vent lean forward to get a better look. Jane frowns in recognition at one photo – where had she seen that spooky-looking building before?

“Hey,” whispers Don, “I’ve seen that building there before! Where is that building?”

Suddenly, Jane remembers. “It’s at the park!” she hisses excitedly.

In her exuberance, she hisses too loudly, and the three kids scuttle backward as the Three Thugs look up.

“Just some steam,” says Mr. McCawley dismissively.

He begins to spread the paper out again, but Mr. Peele grabs it from him, and holds it in front of his face as if he’s just reading.

Mr. McCawley’s face darkens, but Mr. Bennet whispers, “Quiet!! That detective is approaching!”

The children peer over the coffeeshop. No one is taking any notice of the trio in the vent or at the table, except-

“Uncle WaLLaCE?!!?” whisper-shrieks Jane. Paige and Don look at her.

“Your uncle is a detective?” whispers Paige, “Cool!”

I didn’t know that!” sputters Jane, “I thought he was a record keeper or something, I don’t know…”

Mr. Peele looks increasingly worried as Uncle Wallace strides closer toward them.

“What’s Wallace Joyce doing here?” snaps Mr. McCawley, “Did you sell us out, Mr. Bennet?”

What forces are at work here? Read on to find out. Send your comments!

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