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Here’s Why I’m Peelin’ Great About Grapefruit

Here’s Why I’m Peelin’ Great About Grapefruit

Grapefruit is usually a deal-or-no-deal sort of fruit – one tends either to enjoy it or to want to hurl it into a compost heap. If you belong to the latter category, you might want to take heed; grapefruits are impressively healthy and carry a wide range of health benefits. But be careful – there are some risks! Grapefruit juice can cause some medicines to have adverse effects; be sure to check with your doctor if you don’t know what effects grapefruit can have on a certain med. Why should you bother adding grapefruit to your shopping cart? Let’s see:

  • Grapefruits are very high in nutrients but low in calories – they are packed with fiber and more than 15 vitamins and minerals.
  • Citrus fruits boost immunity, and grapefruits are no exception. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which has been proven to help people recover from colds faster.
  • Grapefruits can prevent insulin resistance, which is a condition that occurs when one’s cells stop responding to insulin.
  • Grapefruits contain a lot of potassium – and this aids heart health! In addition, eating grapefruit more regularly leads to reduced levels of cholesterol and reduced blood pressure.
  • A number of different antioxidants can be found in grapefruit, and these are healthy for a number of different reasons. For example, flavanones, which can be found in grapefruit, have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Grapefruits contain a LOT of water! They are naturally very hydrating, and for someone like me, who often forgets to drink water, that is the holy grail of fruit qualities!

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